Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-10-12

The Auditor-General has revealed what many of us knew: That land deals were done for CLP mates on Myilly Point. The latest report shows that in 1999 the successful bidder for Lot B on Myilly Point, Moran Health Care Group …

Mr Manzie interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Ms MARTIN: His latest report shows that in 1999 the successful bidder for Lot B on Myilly Point, the Moran Health Care Group, had an unfair advantage in comparison to other bidders. The Auditor-General discovered this because he had the power to get hold of your documents.

Chief Minister isn’t this an example of why you won’t introduce FOI legislation, your grubby deals with the CLP mates would be exposed?


Mr Speaker, the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment has the details on this particular issue. I understand he spoke on it last night in the House in detail. Could I say with regards to the Moran development at Myilly Point, firstly I am proud that the Moran development is going ahead. When I was health minister I actively went out and chased that Moran development. I was effusive in the media in saying that we should have a …

Ms Martin: This was Denis Burke who said to developers you can’t ring me up and get these special deals.

Mr BURKE: You are wasting your time - I apologise to Territorians – you are just wasting your time with this person. She is not interested, she can only throw allegations and she won’t hear the truth.

The truth of the matter is that with regards to the Moran development, I actively as health minister at the time went out and chased that development. I am proud of the fact that we achieved the Moran Group coming to the Northern Territory. I am proud of the fact that we have gained a facility, a high quality facility, for Territorians many of whom can retire and see out their twilight years in a superb facility that will be in one of the most superb locations in the Northern Territory. We should not forget, included in that facility will be the ability for aged people who are essentially impecunious to gain access to that facility. So it is a facility for all Territorians, something that I am extremely proud of, something that I personally went out and chased.

If the Auditor-General sees something untoward in that well, I listen, hear his comments, note his comments but essentially am proud of the development.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016