Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-02-18

I refer to the ‘Building Board in “scam” Probe’ article in yesterday’s NT News which details how an unqualified person illegally issued 24 building certificates. I seek leave to table documents which show a written complaint about the scam, which was tendered to the board 5 months ago.

Leave granted.

Ms MARTIN: The building board wrote back to the complainant acknowledging they had received the complaint on 9 October. The Building Advisory Services wrote:

The matters you have raised are serious and the matter is to be referred to the Building Practitioners Board.

My question is when did the minister find out about this debacle and why has the Country Liberal Party administration sat on its hands and done nothing while this nightmare was not investigated or remedied?


Mr Speaker, I say straight up that advice came to me in my office on this matter only this week and the advice that I received …

Ms Martin: 5 months!

Mr BALDWIN: Let me explain. The advice that I have received, as the Leader of the Opposition has said, is that the matter has been appropriately referred to the Building Practitioners Board. The board is acting on it ...

Ms Martin: They’re in the paper yesterday saying that nothing, nothing is being done

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Stirling: Tell the truth.

Mr BALDWIN: I ask for that to be withdrawn.

Mr SPEAKER: It should be withdrawn because it is an inference of dishonesty.

Mr Stirling: They are very, very sensitive. But I unequivocally withdraw.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There shall be no debate on the withdrawal.

Mr BALDWIN: The matter has been appropriately referred, as the Leader of the Opposition has said. The Builders Practitioners Board has met and received a formal signed statement on 12 February. The board met to consider the matter on 16 February, which is 2 days ago. The board has resolved that in light of the evidence there is sufficient grounds to mount an inquiry, and they are doing that. It is expected that a formal hearing will be heard on that early next month.

It is of concern to me as the minister responsible for building matters. I will ask why it has been so long. But the board is acting on it. I have also asked for the department to have a look at an auditing of registered inspectors, and I’m sure that this matter can be cleared up.

There are certainly implications in this for the person involved who has, against the BuildingAct, used his license to give it to somebody else, I’m told. That matter will be looked into in great detail. If that is the case then action will be taken.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016