Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2000-02-23

Recent flooding in the Alice Springs region has caused substantial damage to pastoral properties, including destruction of boundary fencing. Recently I travelled with the Deputy Chief Minister to one of these stations. What initiatives have been put in place by your department to assist?


Mr Speaker, I’m very pleased to be able to say that the members of Correctional Services and prisoners are carrying out some very, very good work on behalf of all Territorians as a result of the heavy rain in central Australia. Many kilometres of boundary fencing were washed away and, as a result, cattle were obviously wandering on to the Stuart Highway and then causing extreme danger to travellers. The Department of Correctional Services community support program has been asked to help repair the fences on affected properties. This is the same community support program that this government sanctioned which is providing excellent community service in all areas across the Territory relating to removing graffiti and tidying up community areas, an excellent program.

The Territory Cattlemen’s Association has faxed stations in the area to ascertain the extent of the problem and to prioritise the repairs. Three officers and 18 prisoners from the community support program in Alice Springs commenced work on fence repairs at Owen Springs Station on Monday morning as a first stage in the project. The Cattlemen’s Association is going to collate information from other stations requesting assistance and work parties will move from station to station to repair the damage. Station owners will supply any fencing materials and equipment required for the repair work and the work parties will camp out at various stations from Monday to Friday returning to the Alice Springs Correctional Centre on weekends.

This is another example of our Territory Correctional Services applying healthy activity for our prisoners and also providing support to our communities.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016