Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1998-06-16

My question relates to the Aboriginal and Islander Medical Support Service situated at Coconut Grove in my electorate. Funding was given recently to trial a night patrol in the Darwin and Palmerston areas. How is this trial progressing and what does the minister see as the future of such a service?


Madam Speaker, I welcome the opportunity to report on the success of the AIMSS night patrol trial, an initiative that has taken some time to get under way. I was talking to Tony Myers, the director of AIMSS, this morning. He said that he is receiving excellent cooperation from the police and that the night patrol is doing exceptionally well.

Last June, I granted AIMSS $55 000 to trial a night patrol in and around the Darwin and Palmerston areas. After much planning, that trial started in May this year. To date, it is working in the Darwin central business district and at Casuarina - when they can make it - on Wednesdays and Saturdays from 4 pm to 8 pm, at Mindil Beach Markets on Thursdays from 6 pm to 10 pm, and at Palmerston on Fridays from 6 pm until 10 pm. AIMSS informs me that, from this Thursday, it will be starting an extra shift in Palmerston from 1 pm to 5 pm. I am pleased to announce, therefore, that I have approved a further funding grant of $82 326 to enable this patrol to be increased by 12 extra hours per week in Palmerston. The grant will assist also with covering vehicle leases and other ancillary costs. At Palmerston, the patrol works particularly well with the town council’s 3-tiered strategy to curtail antisocial behaviour around the main business area. I congratulate Tony Myers on the effort that his team has put in to get this project going.

It is relevant also to report that I have approved a wine cask levy grant of around $30 000 to Palmerston Town Council to enable it to employ a security firm to patrol key trouble spots. This need arises from the difficulties that the Palmerston after-hours medical service has been experiencing with increased antisocial behaviour. I said publicly that I was stunned when Palmerston Town Council failed initially to take up my offer of wine cask levy funding. I am pleased to report that it has now changed its mind, has developed a good strategy and has submitted an application for funding. I am sure that the patrol’s efforts in and around Palmerston, plus the increased efforts of the AIMSS patrols through the Darwin CBD and Mindil Beach Markets, will do a great deal to curb antisocial behaviour in the general Darwin and rural area.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016