Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-04-22

I ask the Chief Minister, will he concede that his senior political adviser, Paul Cowdy, authorised Territory taxpayer-funded focus group research in an illegitimate use of taxpayers money? Will he concede that Mark Textor has been caught on video-tape lying to Territorians and behaving in a totally unethical way? Will he concede that the content of the tape, as outlined in the transcript that he’s now read, constitutes party political opinion polling? Will he rule out using this proven liar for future government research, and will he now support Labor’s call for an immediate inquiry into the Country Liberal Party’s misuse of Territory taxpayers’ money to pay for party political polling?


Well the answer to the last question remains no, and in terms of conceding anything, I’m not conceding anything. I’ll watch the tape in due course …
[Censure Motion moved; see Debates]
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016