Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-11-28

The Chief Minister and the Treasurer seem dismissive of concerns relating to this transmission line. I advise them that Territorians in the street are not so dismissive of this deal.

Our tally of the cost of the CLP’s deal on this transmission line for their old CLP mate is as follows: $48m in lease costs; $43m in purchase costs; $9m in operating costs; and $100m to date for a supposed asset now worth, at best, $20m. $100m would pay for an extra 1500 police, nurses, teachers, or around 10 new schools. I ask the Treasurer to tell us again why this powerline scam is such a great financial deal for Territorians.


Mr Speaker, repeatedly calling this a scam, a bad deal, and suggesting that the value of the line is worth only $20m without any substantiation as to where that value might have…

Mr Stirling: Where is your substantiation?

Ms Martin: You have had none.

Mr Stirling: Where is your valuation?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: Well, you are about to get an enormous amount of detail in relation to this immediately following question time with a statement.

The sad reflection on the seven dwarfs opposite is this: You could have had that information two weeks ago. You could have had a full and detailed briefing and, in the meantime, been conducting an informed debate, based on the facts, about the agreements that have been in place since 1988 - why the powerline was constructed, under what circumstances it was constructed, and why it was purchased recently by the Power and Water Authority.

Members interjecting.

See, that is the seriousness and the level of commitment to their jobs. They are not interested in the facts. Had they been interested in the facts, the Deputy Leader in the first instance and the Leader of the Opposition in the second instance would have accepted a full and detailed briefing. That is why…

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: Noise does not equate to productivity or some values.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! I warn the member for Nhulunbuy. You are warned.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016