Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1998-02-24

Can he confirm that $119 000 of taxpayers' money, allocated to improve recreational fishing access on pastoral properties, has been wasted? Is it true that $94 000 was allocated to build access to the popular fishing spot of North Hardy's Lagoon, but the road was built to South Hardy's Lagoon? Is it true that $25 000 was spent providing access to the Roper River, but the road and ramp were built 100 m above a dangerous rock bar that will rip the bottoms and motors out of boats? Can the minister explain what is going on with his department's pastoral land access fund?

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Madam Speaker, I thank the honourable member for highlighting the very pro-active programs this government has to promote recreational fishing and provide access to pastoral leases by recreational fishermen. If these 2 issues were of such concern, I would expect them to have been raised at the meeting of the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Recreational Fishing last week. It includes a number of representatives of amateur fishing organisations and professional tour guides etc who come together occasionally to advise me and my department on matters relating to recreational fishing.

I understand that the Roper River ramp was put above the rock bar to provide a further platform down in the river when it is at a low level later in the year. I think it was purposely designed to that end. However, I will undertake to check that. As for Hardy's Lagoon, that access was negotiated with the owner of the property in conjunction with AFANT. It was they who decided where the road and the ramp should go. I understand that, in the later part of the year when the lagoon level is fairly low, there is some problem getting in. However, it can be accessed for the greater part of the year. As I said, this work was done in conjunction with the recreational fishing sector.

I thank the honourable member for his question because we cannot highlight too often the importance this government places on recreational fishing and the provision of recreational fishing opportunities for the people of the Northern Territory.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016