Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1998-10-07

In the last sittings I raised concerns about corrupt tendering processes in the building industry in Alice Springs and, as a result of this, a full scale investigative inquiry is now under way conducted by the Ombudsman. The minister will recall that he phoned me and said he had personally known for more than 12 months about corruption in the tendering process in Alice Springs, but stated that he had failed to fix it. I ask the minister what other corrupt practices does he know about, and does the minister intend to provide this information to the inquiry to assist in cleaning up the tendering mess in Alice Springs?


Madam Speaker, it is a silly question because the matter is under investigation by the Ombudsman. I am quite happy to talk to the Ombudsman about anything. I investigated the alleged practices at the time, and referred them to the appropriate minister, and beyond that I have nothing more to say.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016