Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1999-02-25

I understand you are going to meet the Prime Minister next week. Could give us some idea of what issues you are going to raise with him?


Mr Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question. Shortly after I became Chief Minister, I telephoned the Prime Minister. I had met him on a number of occasions and I re-established contact with him. Since then, through an exchange of correspondence, we have arranged a meeting for next Monday. The issues that I’ve put on the agenda to speak to him about are, firstly, to update the Prime Minister on the progress of the railway project. This is something that he’s been following very closely for some time. I will update him on the excellent progress we’ve made in that regard.

I particularly want to raise the issue of East Timor with him. I will raise it in this regard, and that is to remind the Prime Minister of the Memorandum of Understanding that the Northern Territory government has with Indonesia, which speaks about the promotion of peaceful and economic development - particularly in the eastern provinces of Indonesia. I will also take the opportunity, in that context, of raising with him the close relationship we have both with Indonesia, but in particular, East Timor and Ambon. In the face of the difficult situation that exists in those eastern provinces at the moment, I will remind him that any Commonwealth commitment that may be being considered, whatever the ifs and the scenarios that may be worked up in regards to that issue which could involve Commonwealth commitment in various shapes and forms, to insist, I guess is not too strong a word, that where the Northern Territory may be involved - a Northern Territory sub-committee from the Commonwealth - that I am involved in those negotiations from the outset.

The third thing I want to raise with him is the native title amendments. I shall raise the fact that the Northern Territory government has done everything in its power, and has passed through this Assembly everything that requires the Commonwealth to enact its intent with the Wik amendments, and to urge the Commonwealth to authorise the Territory legislation as soon as possible, so that it is operative and we can get some development of the large land area which is tied up in the Northern Territory because of the lack of that particular legislation.

I will also take the opportunity to speak to the Commonwealth Minister for Immigration, Mr Ruddock. I want to explore with him skilled migration options and the way that the Northern Territory can optimise its efforts in gaining Commonwealth funds to assist in increasing our skill migration levels, particularly in the face of the large projects that are imminent in the Northern Territory such as the railway project, the oil and gas projects and other projects coming on line. The need for skilled workers will be paramount in the Northern Territory, and I believe that skilled migration access to the Northern Territory should be at least optimised using every avenue we have.

I will also take the opportunity to raise with him statehood, and to bring the Prime Minister up to date on the progress the Northern Territory has had through the excellent work being done by the committee in exploring the issues relating to statehood as they exist amongst Territorians following on from the referendum.

I expect it to be a fruitful visit. I hope it leads to a strong relationship, a strong personal relationship with the Prime Minister, such as that which was achieved by my predecessor.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016