Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1999-02-23

Why did the Chief Minister’s senior political adviser, Paul Manuell, visit businessman Vince Collins and try to pressure him into dropping his legal action against the Country Liberal Party administration?


Mr Speaker, nothing obviously sinks in with the member for Stuart. I was hoping he might have taken some notice of the comments I made.

Mr Vince Collins has visited, I think, every electoral office in the Northern Territory in pursuit of his claims. I am sure the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries, if he wishes, could comment further, but I can only relate the instance that occurred in my electorate office. In my electorate office, I have a fairly frail little girl, Heather, who I admire …

Ms Martin: Little girl! You’re not talking about a 12 year old are you?

Mr BURKE: You can use your own terminology. I admire Heather immensely and she does a superb job.As all members would know, electorate officers have to deal with a range of individuals. Sometimes this is a pleasurable experienceandsometimes difficult people come through the door, and every member would be aware of that. In the case of Mr Vince Collins, not only did he annoy my electorate officer to the point where she was becoming quite stressed, but on one occasion he moved behind the counter and she felt threatened. It was as a result of that incident that Mr Paul Manuell who works for me, and is an ex-policeman ...

Mr Bailey: The member for Arnhem has been banned from his office, you mugs, so you send one of your thugs around!

Mr SPEAKER: Order!.

Mr BURKE: So now we have the allegation that all police are thugs?

Mr Bailey: You just said that you sent him round to his house.

Mr BURKE: This is a man who is an ex-detective in the Northern Territory Police, a man of immense personal integrity in my opinion, and a man who can counsel people who are agitated in a very responsible way. That was the task he undertook. I understand that that counselling took place and Mr Collins was advised not to pressure Heather Hodgson in such a way that she became distressed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016