Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 2000-10-12

My question follows on from the question I put on Tuesday regarding ATSIC’s submission to UNESCO. Does the Treasurer have any information regarding Labor’s bid to have Kakadu National Park listed as ‘World Heritage In Danger’? If Labor’s push is successful, what impact would such a listing have on the economy and is it just another Territory Labor selling out the Territorians?


Well sadly Mr Speaker, it does look like it is a case of Territory Labor selling out the Territory and in a very deceitful and…

Ms Martin: Mr Kakadon’t.

Mr REED: … and serious way and it is more serious indeed than the Leader of the Opposition’s interjection suggest, because she has some very serious answers to provide the House and Territorians in relation to the matter that the honourable member refers to because placing Kakadu National Park on the World Heritage In Danger list would have significant economic disadvantages to the Territory. It would place in jeopardy Kakadu National Park as a major tourism destination in the Top End. It is one of our icons, it attracts in excess of 206 000 visitors per year. It provides employment for many people in the Top End, it provides opportunities for Aboriginal people, and it is alarming that the Leader of the Opposition and the seven Labor members opposite have been conspiring to have Kakadu National Park placed on the World Heritage In Danger list.

I will table a copy of this letter from Senator the honourable Nick Bolkus, shadow minister for Environment and Heritage, a Labor Senator for South Australia. The letter was written by Senator Bolkus to Francesco Bandarin, Director of the World Heritage Centre, Paris, France. Senator Bolkus said:

I write as federal opposition Australian Labor Party spokesperson on the environment regarding the threat posed by the Jabiluka Uranium Mine to the natural and cultural values of Kakadu National Park.

The Australian Labor Party has closely followed and supported the struggle of the Mirrar people to protect their living culture from the ascertained and potential danger posed by Jabiluka. Both in and outside the parliament, the ALP has repeatedly held the Minister for the Environment and Heritage to account for the irresponsible manner in which the government has sought to proceed with the development. As a member of the Senate Environment References Committee that inquired into Jabiluka Uranium Mine project in 1999, I gained a detailed understanding of the central issues regarding Jabiluka.

He goes on to say that he stands by the key majority findings of that Senate inquiry which were:

1. The World Heritage Committee place Kakadu on its list of world heritage in danger (recommendation 20); and

2. The Jabiluka uranium mine should not proceed because it is irreconcilable with the natural and cultural values of Kakadu National Park (recommendation 24).

I wonder how much the member for Arnhem is aware of this, or the other members opposite, and how complicit they have been in this matter.

The honourable Senator Bolkus goes on to say that he believes that Senator Robert Hill, as federal environment minister, has been patently insufficient and driven by ideology in his lack of interest in this matter, and not agreeing with Kakadu National Park being placed on the World Heritage In Danger list.

What I would like the Leader of the Opposition to tell Territorians is why she failed to announce that the Labor Party was endorsing and actively lobbying for an ‘in danger’ listing as presented by her colleague, Senator Bolkus. She has completely held this in secret. She tells us repeatedly that she has a very close liaison with the federal Labor Party, and in particular the leader, Kim Beazley, and she must have been aware of this significant action.

I want also to know why she supports her party’s position in relation to this action. I want also to know whether or not she agrees such a listing would be detrimental to the Territory, and she should at the same time tell us why an ‘in danger’ listing is warranted and why she allowed, as the Leader of the Opposition in the Territory, and the Leader of the Labor Party in the Territory, the federal Labor Party to run Territory business.

Now, these are very serious matters. The copy of this letter – it is not just a letter sent to us, it is a copy that is stamped by the World Heritage Centre ‘received 25/9/2000’. I table a copy of it for the benefit of honourable members. The Leader of the Opposition can busily be talking to some of her colleagues and try to ignore this issue, but she will not be able to wash herself of the responsibility that the Labor Party in the Northern Territory have stuck to them in terms of their liaison, their close cooperation and close friendship with the federal Labor Party. They must be aware if they tell us that they have this close working relationship with the federal Labor Party that they have agreed to this action.

They have agreed to Kakadu being requested to be put on the World Heritage In Danger list, and they are aware, surely, of the economic circumstances and social disadvantages that would flow from such an action. So the Leader of the Opposition has to answer to Territorians as to why she has allowed the federal Labor Party to intervene in Territory affairs, as to why she has agreed with them, and what extent of damage does she perceive will flow from this course of action?

It is outrageous. Senator Crossin could not have been unaware of this. She sits in the Senate with Senator Bolkus, and these are very serious issues, with huge and very serious and ongoing implications for the Territory that would flow from the listing of Kakadu National Park as a World Heritage area in danger, cannot be just swept under the carpet by the Leader of the Opposition. She must take some responsibility for this. She must have been aware of it if she has the close liaison that she says she has with the federal Labor Party, Senator Crossin, and of course, that well-known dudder for the Northern Territory, the Hon Warren Snowdon. So it is up to the opposition now to tell us just how complicit they have been in this dreadful action, in working against the Territory, trying to affect our economy in a very negative way and affecting socially the Aboriginal people of Kakadu. I wonder if the Labor Party has been in discussion with the Aboriginal interest groups other than the Mirrar at Kakadu in relation to this action that has been taken by Senator Bolkus.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016