Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG (Sport and Recreation) - 1999-10-13

Mr LUGG (Sport and Recreation): Mr Speaker, in response to a question this morning from the member for Wanguri, I undertook to do some research and give him an answer.

It was reported that Robbie Fletcher, the coordinator of the SHAK at Casuarina, had blamed problems with youth crime on funding cuts. I have here a transcript of that report and will table it. What Mr Fletcher said was that usage of the centre had decreased for the reason that he has had to ban kids for unruly behaviour. The member for Wanguri has only been here a short time, 5 minutes, and he is already attempting to mislead the House.

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Mr Speaker! He has misunderstood the question and he is now responding to a question that he has misunderstood. Perhaps we could give him the question again and he could actually get it right.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Give the minister an opportunity to respond in his way to the question.

Mr LUGG: I will give the member for Wanguri a bit of free advice here. If he wants to find the School of Deceit, it is not here. Go and ask your leader where the School of Deceit is.

Mr Fletcher said that usage of the centre is not …

Mr Henderson: Did you cut funding?

Mr LUGG: Mr Fletcher said usage of the centre is not due - he made no reference whatsoever. I have the transcript here. Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to inform the House.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016