Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs BRAHAM - 2001-07-04

The Northern Territory is but one of two jurisdictions that does not support local government members standing for election and then returning to their positions if they are not successful. Last week you actually spoke at LGANT and talked about partnerships with local government, although your treatment and the way you went about Yulara is a bit undesirable. You also stood in this House and talked about partnership. Minister, will you stand up for those local government members who want to stand for election in the Northern Territory parliament and if they are unsuccessful resume their place in their local government without causing a by-election?


Mr Speaker, while my colleague the member for Nightcliff is looking up the point of order, which there will be, she is anticipating again a debate that is going to occur later on today, which is pretty senseless of her to ask the question right now. This member, the member for Braitling, was a minister for two years, and in that time did absolutely nothing about it. Absolutely nothing about it.

Mrs Braham: What do they call you? Dr Dolittle?

Dr LIM: Well, let’s not ...

Members interjecting.

Dr LIM: ... let’s not anticipate. Let us not anticipate the debate that will happen this afternoon. And it is going to happen this afternoon, and at that time I will make the appropriate announcement.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016