Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2001-05-30

The Territory budget yesterday delivered $354m to Territory education for the 2001-02 financial year, an increase of $9.4m over the current financial year. The Labor opposition leader’s only criticism of the budget has been to say, ‘It is disappointing no money was allocated for repairs to Parap Primary and Darwin High’. Minister, can you provide this House with any further information in regards to allocations from this year’s budget?


Thank you, Mr Speaker, and I thank the member for Jingili for that question because it gives me the chance to put the matter correctly before the public. It also shows the total inability of the opposition leader, or even the opposition spokesman on education, or even their other mate, the lower part of Bib and Bub, the head of the education union.

I can tell you that there will be $1.2m spent at Darwin High School this financial year. There will be $0.25m spent at Parap School this financial year. And it comes out of a fund called ‘$17.3m for R and M’. Do you know what that means? It is called repairs and maintenance and it comes under the BAMS system.

Dr Toyne: You are actually maintaining the schools, wow.

Mr LUGG: I will just pick up that interjection. I quote from the 8DDD FM morning program, 28 May this year, just a few days ago. Reporter: ‘You are saying that debt is necessary but what type of debt level do you think is necessary?’ Martin: ‘We are not spending the dollars we need to spend in areas of critical importance for the Territory’s future like education’.

I can tell you that real spending in education terms over the term of this government has risen in real terms from $7111 per student to $8327 per student. In fact, education spending is rising much faster than the population in our schools is rising. It is rising faster than inflation and it reinforces this government’s commitment to the best education in this country. It is about getting it done and it is about doing it. And whilst I am on my feet, can I just show you a picture of smoke and mirrors. The smoke is actually from a bush fire in the background. This is a picture of another school under construction. In the last four years, this government has constructed seven schools. The private sector has constructed two, with generous help from the taxpayers, but this is real, this is happening. I apologise for the smoke, there is not a mirror to be seen, but it is evidence of a real commitment to education and getting the job done. It is more about can-do and getting it done.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016