Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1997-11-26

All QCs are expected to be examples to their colleagues in the legal profession. Is the Attorney-General aware that he is used as an example in Northern Territory University law studies? His unprofessional conduct case is used in the legal ethics course as an example of what not to do if one is a lawyer. Is that the sort of example by which he deserves the title of QC?


Madam Speaker, let us be very clear about this. QC is not an award. It is not a title. It is an office and it is described as a commission.

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr Bailey: So what do you get next - Sir Shane?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Ms Martin: El Presidente!

Madam SPEAKER: Order! May we have a little decorum in Question Time. You ask a question and, as soon as the Chief Minister starts to answer it, you butt in. If you are really sincere about wanting to know what is happening, I suggest that you sit quietly and listen to his reply. I will not put up with ...

Mr Bailey: He gives a diatribe instead of answers to our questions.

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Madam SPEAKER: Order! If you start, I assure I will not put up with it. Let that be quite clear.

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, ever since I walked into this Chamber, I have had that matter thrown at me. Members continue to throw it at me ...

Mr Toyne: Because the whole of the Territory is worried about it.

Mr STONE: I pick up the interjection from the member for Stuart. We won 18 seats to 7 seats and 58% of the vote, while Labor's vote decreased. I stood exposed with all my faults and all my shortcomings, as the Chief Minister to be elected or not elected, and Territorians voted overwhelmingly. For 3 elections in a row, I have put up with this sort of material being put in letterboxes throughout my electorate.

Mr Toyne: Tut, tut, tut.

Mr STONE: You can tut, tut, tut, but you do not have to live here. We all know that.

Madam Speaker, on each and every one of those 3 occasions, my vote increased. Territorians have judged me for what I am and who I am and whether or not I can deliver. I will tell you how they have judged that lot sitting over there - as the biggest bunch of losers who ever walked into this Chamber.

They can go out on the streets and talk about professional misconduct and make all the QC jokes they wish. I do not care. Is that understood? I do not care. It just washes over me because, at the end of the day, I am sitting on this side of the Chamber and they are all sitting over there. That is because Territorians have made their own assessment. Labor can do its damnedest. I do not care! Its people can keep on placing anonymous notes in letterboxes throughout my electorate. I do not care, and clearly neither do my constituents because they continue to vote for me in increased percentages on each and every occasion.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016