Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-07-04

The CLP’s handling of the collapse of Di Mella Constructions has left many subcontractors on the government’s Palmerston housing development out of pocket to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars. When subcontracting on a private sector project, the Workmen’s Liens Act allows subbies to seek compensation from the owners of the project. Yet this same act, in clause 48, explicitly prevents such actions being taken when government is the owner of the project. Today Labor will introduce an amendment in this parliament to remove this historical yet unfair hangover from the past. Minister, will you stand up for local subbies and support the repeal of this unfair clause from the act, or will CLP arrogance overrule commonsense and the interests of hardworking Territorians?


Mr Speaker, the opposition must be running out of questions because as the Leader of the Opposition said, this is up for debate later on today, and I am just amazed that the ...

Mr Palmer: Introduction.

Mr BALDWIN: Sorry?

Mr Palmer: Introduction.

Mr BALDWIN: It is for introduction today and the debate on this will come up. It will come up for debate at the next general business day, whenever that is, and perhaps there will be some more administrative changes between now and then and I will be having discussions with whoever is the shadow on that day. Perhaps it is ...

A member interjecting.

Mr BALDWIN: Oh, he has gone again, I can’t ...

Members interjecting.

Mr BALDWIN: This government looks after local businesses. My Department of Industries and Business is there for that very reason. We go out of our way to ensure that there is a fair process in the procurement policy, particularly in the sorts of construction that the member has talked about, and we will continue to do that. I look forward to this debate when it comes on.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016