Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2000-05-11

You promised on the eve of the Wanguri by-election that you would build a skate park for the children of Wanguri by the end of 1999, and, I quote: ‘Regardless of whether we win or lose’. You have not delivered on your promise; there is no skate park. Isn’t this more than just a CLP broken promise; it’s a broken promise to children in the northern suburbs?


Mr Speaker, the issue of the skate park in the Wanguri electorate is a firm commitment. I have offered to consult with all the stakeholders, including the member for Wanguri, on the location of that skate park, and others. To date, I have not received any further advice or assistance from the member himself.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016