Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2001-06-26

Minister, is it not a fact that:

(1) over a number of years officers of your own department inspected and reported on the practices of Tracy Aged Care;

(2) the Nurses Registration Board of which you appoint eight of the 10 members has received at least 19 statutory declarations and written statements raising alarming concerns about the Director of Tracy Aged Care; and

(3) you have personally approved funding of $250 000 a year being paid to Tracy Aged Care.

Minister, how can you explain why you have continued to support the Director of Tracy Aged Care when you must have known what was happening to the elderly residents?


This is quite remarkable, Mr Speaker. I guess we are building to a censure so I shall try to be brief. I have in front of me a brief that has been prepared for me on this issue on the predictable event that this would be raised here, notwithstanding the fact that it is on foot, under investigation by competent authorities, one of whom has provided this briefing note for me. I will give the points.

On the basis of information received, the Nursing Board of the Northern Territory commenced an investigation in December 2000 into the conduct of registered nurse Pam Fitton. The component of this investigation relates to allegations of reprisals and intimidation against persons who supplied information to the Nursing Board. The investigation relates to professional conduct of Pamela Fitton and not the general care provided to residents of Tracy Aged Care. Owing to the complexity of the matters being investigated and intervening legal processes, the investigation has not yet been completed. Possibly that is something we should wait for. The investigation is expected to be completed by the end of July. The Nursing Board has no evidence that the residents of Tracy Aged Care are at any risk.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016