Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-11-24

What has been the response from Territorians to the recent attacks on the Territory by the New South Wales Labor Premier, Bob Carr?


Madam Speaker, I can tell you what the CLP response was, but I cannot tell you what the ALP response in the Territory was, because it was muted. Labor said nothing. This was the disgraceful ad, and I propose to table it in the parliament. It was run by the New South Wales Labor government, and there has not been a peep out of this lot sitting opposite.

Mrs Hickey: It is a disgrace.

Mr STONE: The Leader of the Opposition says it is a disgrace. Could she point at any time to when she actually climbed into the media and joined with me in the criticism of the advertising campaign. You were silent, and it is a classic example of the fact that you do not even run your own affairs up here. You have it all run for you. You have your current federal general secretary in town. He has come up here to tell you how to run the show, and when it came to criticising Bob Carr, because he said that Territorians were bloodsuckers on the national economy, you did not say a thing.

I joined with the Labor Premier of Tasmania, Jim Bacon, in criticising that campaign. How ironic that I had to get the support of the Labor Premier of Tasmania and I could not get it from the leader of the Labor Party in the Northern Territory because she is beholden to Bob Carr.

Last updated: 09 Aug 2016