Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr POOLE (Resource Development): - 1998-04-28

Mr POOLE (Resource Development): Madam Speaker, I am now able to answer the question raised by the Leader of the Opposition about the Channel Island cooling system. It is not true that we purchased a plant at a cost of $15m. The plant will cost a total of $10.9m. The project is not scheduled for completion until the end of the financial year. The only difficulty at this point has been a delay experienced over several components in the works, and corrosion in some of the structural steel. It has no impact on the viability of the project. It is expected that the plant will be commissioned by August 1998.

Mrs Hickey: How many turbines will it cool?

Mr POOLE: The plant is designed to provide inlet cooling for 3 turbines. This is unchanged from the original specifications. The structures are there for all to see. There are no reports which cast any doubts on the feasibility of the project. We utilise specialist United States consultants to provide advice on the project. Recently, we commissioned a specialist consultant in thermal power to undertake a risk assessment. No serious concerns regarding the design of the plant were identified. Twenty plants using air-cooling technology concepts are already in operation in the United States. Some of these were inspected by the authority. Have we purchased a white elephant? No, we have not.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016