Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-08-13

How is work on the flood damaged Housing Commission properties in Katherine progressing?


Madam Speaker, as members know, the flood brought devastation to Katherine, to the Daly River area and to outlying regions. Part of that devastation was the destruction or part-destruction of some 1200 homes in Katherine, and the destruction of the majority of businesses.

Of these 12 00 homes, 314 homes were owned by the Department of Housing. As with many other homes, they have undergone major reconstruction work to bring them back to a standard where tenants can reoccupy those homes. The logistics of shifting the families in those 314 homes, housing them whilst their houses were upgraded, and then bringing them back again once the houses were finished, were enormous. I thank the Department of Housing staff for the good work they have done. It was a mammoth task to relocate the people.

Following the floods, it was estimated by the reconstruction committee in Katherine that we could refurbish all of those houses by the end of September. I am happy to inform members that works will be completed by the beginning of September. All houses owned by the Department of Housing and requiring upgrading will be completed by the beginning of next month.

The Territory Construction Agency has been heavily involved in running the contracts. It has done a tremendous job. All 137 houses have been completed, and 177 units have been completed, with 50 remaining and they will be finished in the next couple of weeks.

Both Katherine and Darwin contractors have been used. The amounts of contracts awarded range from between $40 000 and $680 000, with 9 major contractors involved. Many subcontractors have benefited too from the work there.

I take the opportunity to commend all of those involved, including the contractors, the subbies, the agency people, the construction agency, and personnel in the Department of Housing. I also thank the tenants for their kind patience while this has been happening because, as I said, they were moved around a fair bit. I will list some of the people involved in the reconstruction process. They are: Bryan Walsh, Trevor Troy, Lyall Campbell, Nigel Atkin, Don Dowling, Michael Banks, Ernie Wanka and Alan White. I thank them for their assistance through this whole project.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016