Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-05-30

The meanness and trickiness of this Territory budget goes on. In the Department of Industries and Business, in the budget papers, despite your previous answer, one of the key activities has had a substantial cut, with grants and subsidies to Territory business reduced by $3.5m. Minister, how will Territory businesses position themselves successfully for either the railway or gas when you are cutting the very program that can assist them? A cut to business grants and subsidies is the second point of the CLP jobs plan, is it?


Mr Speaker, after answering the last question I was asked on this very subject, I am not going to take the word of the Leader of the Opposition telling me what the department’s business is in these budget books. We have seen her priors all morning. I will have a look at what she is saying and I will come back to her on this.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016