Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-02-23

I seek leave to table a copy of a letter from Darwin Turf Club chairman, Ted Bailey, to his members. In the letter, Ted Bailey says:

It is the committee’s view that the Northern Territory government has treated the industry with disdain. The funding proposal put by the commission would, if accepted, make it impossible for the industry to sustain its viability, let alone grow.

Over the years, the racing industry has generated around $31m of revenue for the Territory. The Darwin Cup Carnival annually injects about $20m into the Darwin economy - a fact quite often quoted by you. Will the minister stand up to his Treasurer to ensure fair funding for the Territory’s racing industry to ensure its survival?


Mr Speaker, I welcome the question because all of us on this side of the House also received that letter. This is simply another case of the member for Nhulunbuy scaremongering. It is a bit like his leader saying on radio this morning: ‘Look at the situation facing the Darwin Cup, where we have an enormous generator for Darwin, and the government won’t fund it - a crazy situation’. This is absolute rubbish! She is twisting the facts again. I don’t know where the members opposite were last week

Mr Stirling: Point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The minister should withdraw that.

Mr BALDWIN: I withdraw that. I don’t know where the members of the opposition were last week, but I gave a good and frank account in this House of what is happening in the racing industry, and they have chosen to ignore that, as usual. I can only say that the member for Nhulunbuy is out there, for reasons unknown to me, scare-mongering again. The fact is that the Darwin Cup and Alice Springs Cup Carnivals will be going ahead. There is no doubt about the funding for those carnivals.

The member for Nhulunbuy comes in here and grandstands, while only yesterday I offered to give him a full briefing on the situation. Yes, an offer has been made to the racing industry. Yes, there will be more meetings and, in fact, later this week I am meeting with the racing industry. I have offered all the information to the member for Nhulunbuy, and he simply won’t pick up on it. He is not across all the facts. As usual, the opposition is trying to score cheap political points.

The honourable member referred to the letter written by Mr Ted Bailey. Does he ask himself what the letter does not say? Has the Turf Club given any detail in the letter as to why they consider government funding is not appropriate or inadequate? No, that is not addressed, and all these issues have to be addressed. Does the Turf Club’s letter indicate why the funding proposal would make it impossible for the industry to remain or sustain viability? These are all questions that can be addressed. I have offered to work closely with the member for Nhulunbuy. I ask the media to take him for what he is. He is trying to score cheap political points.

As I said, funding to the racing industry is secure. It is a very important industry to the Northern Territory. It is important in terms of jobs and tourism. The events of the carnivals are very important also, and they will proceed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016