Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-06-03

Many members here will be aware Australia’s premier international trade exposition, the NT Expo, is held annually and will be held again this year in July. The NT Expo has developed over the years a critical role in bringing businesses together and creating and building the potential for business relationships into south east Asia in particular. That’s why it has achieved its very premier status. But as many of us are aware, with the circumstances in south east Asia over the last 2 or 3 years, what has been referred to as the Asian meltdown, referring to difficult economic circumstances confronting Asia …

Mr Toyne: And the question is?

Ms Martin: Is this a ministerial statement?

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr HATTON: If the members would keep their mouths shut – they give 10 minutes preamble to most of their questions.

The question is what is the effect of the economic uncertainty in our region and what is its likely effect on the NT Expo for this year?


Mr Speaker, I’m very pleased to be able to bring to the attention of Territorians the fact that NT Expo this year is developing into the biggest and best that we’ve had so far. That result will occur because of the work that has been done by the Chamber of Commerce and, of course, the Expo team lead by Vicki Spence, who has put in a tremendous effort over the last 12 months. But our response from areas of South-east Asia has been very, very good. We have 98 stands being taken up in the international area, 20 of those are from overseas countries including Indonesia, Malaysia, a number of areas in Malaysia, and the Philippines. It’s certainly looking very encouraging at this stage.

There has also been, I think, a total of 208 stands taken up, or positions taken up, including a very large number of local companies becoming involved. The interesting thing is that this year, as well as emphasis on our international participation, there has been a lot of activity to bring more Territory companies into the Expo fold and to get more Territory participation. Again, the organisers have been very successful in creating that situation where there is more activity from Territory companies, more participation, and hopefully this will be a record breaking year in terms of business being done over that period of the Expo. The Expo’s all about bringing together businesses, business people both in the Territory, interstate and overseas for the purpose of creating business activity, the spin-offs being growth and jobs for Territorians and a growth in our business sector.

It’s been a very, very successful venue in regards to the carrying out of that objective and there’s a number of Territory companies that are now working overseas because of the start they had by participating in Expo. Territorians, especially Darwinians, really enjoy the Expo experience and between 20 000 and 30 000 Territorians attend that Expo every year. We’re looking for even greater participation this year. So I can say that, regardless of the downturn in Asia, things are well and truly on track.

The interest regarding participation from South-east Asia is very, very good. We’re even expecting - we’re holding our breaths - that there may be a very, very large contingent from Irian Jaya via a ship, and that advice was given by the deputy governor to our people during the Arafura Games.

So, all in all, we can expect a very, very successful outcome and I would urge all members to become involved in the activities of Expo and to get out and to meet our interstate, overseas and local Territory business people as they strive to make this a better place for all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016