Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-08-13

Having experienced 581 police visits in 365 days, a group of dedicated residents at the Kurringal flats in Fannie Bay are working to resolve issues affecting their quality of life. Many suggestions for improvement from the residents group have been ignored by the Minister for Housing. He has refused many times to see for himself the problems facing residents at Kurringal. Why did he tell the media this week that he would be going nowhere near the place, preferring instead to hide behind his public servants? Shame on you!


Madam Speaker, this is typical of the member for Fannie Bay. I do not recall saying to the media personally that I was going nowhere near the Kurringal flats.

Members interjecting.

Ms Martin: Explain why not.

Members interjecting.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Member for Fannie Bay, you asked a question. If you want a reply, you will be quiet. Otherwise, I will ask the minister to sit down.

Mr BALDWIN: It is typical of the member for Fannie Bay to quote what I have not said. I cannot confirm whether or not my office even said that. I would not take her word for it, anyway.

The troubles of a few residents at Kurringal flats are well known to me. I have had department staff attend every meeting. I might add that they are very senior staff, representing not only the department but myself. I am fully across the issues that have been raised, including the security issues that the member for Fannie Bay has been talking about.

Mr Ah Kit: You are dodging your electorate responsibilities.

Mr BALDWIN: Don’t you talk to me about electorate responsibilities! Where do you live? The member for Arnhem, who talks to me about electorate responsibilities and ministerial responsibilities, last night raised questions about Housing 2003 that some people had brought to his electorate office. His constituents ...

Mr Lugg: In Casuarina!

Mr BALDWIN: In Casuarina. How many public housing houses does he have in his electorate? None!

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Madam Speaker! I asked the minister a specific question about the Kurringal flats in Fannie Bay. He is not answering that question.

Madam SPEAKER: The minister was responding to an interjection. However, I would like him to answer the question.

Mr BALDWIN: Madam Speaker, I am happy to answer the question if members opposite do not interject.

Madam SPEAKER: Exactly!

Mr BALDWIN: Getting back to Kurringal, I am fully aware of the issues. Being born and bred here, I lived for a considerably longer time here than the member for Fannie Bay has lived in Fannie Bay. I lived there for 17 years.

I am fully aware of the situation and the scoping of the issues at Kurringal. I am working through the issues with my department. My department is attending the meetings and I am being kept informed of those discussions. I know the member for Fannie Bay is also attending those meetings and will continue to raise the subject. I hope to be able to resolve the security issues that she has talked about in the near future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016