Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-10-07

There has been increasing community concern over crimes committed against victims who are especially vulnerable. A spate of interstate bashings and sexual assaults against elderly women, the number of highly publicised child abuse cases and recent incidents in the Northern Territory highlight the growing problem.

What steps are being taken by the Territory government to protect vulnerable victims in the Territory?


Madam Speaker, I welcome the question from the member for Drysdale. The government is proposing that the penalties in relation to crimes that are committed against vulnerable people be increased. Vulnerability, or vulnerable, will include issues and factors such as the victim’s age, the strength of the victim, the physical or intellectual disabilities that person might have and the relationship to the offender. For example, whether it occurs between a patient and doctor, or a student and teacher. That is not an exclusive list but those special relationships that do exist and a victim’s vulnerability will be assessed on a case by case basis.

It is proposed that vulnerability of the victim will be an aggravating factor in sentencing. In other words to put it simply, if, in fact, you have committed an assault or an offence against a vulnerable person within our community, whether they be an older person or a younger person, then you will face a much more severe sentence in the sentencing process.

The result will be that offenders, and offences committed against vulnerable victims, will exact a maximum penalty of 25% over and above the maximum penalty otherwise applicable to the offence. So there is a loading for people who commit those sorts of offences against people.

It is also proposed to increase the non-parole period for specified sexual offences committed against children to 75% of the relevant period of imprisonment to reflect the abhorrence of such offences as viewed by the community. That bill will be discussed in the parliamentary wing of the Country Liberal Party in the time ahead.

We take very seriously offences which are committed against those who are less able to look after themselves within our community. I am sure all members of this Chamber, and people listening to this broadcast, would agree that sometimes we are mystified at the penalties that are imposed on those who commit what appears to be otherwise an abhorrent and unacceptable crime. The Northern Territory government remains absolutely committed to its law and order policies and in the short time ahead I propose to further report to this Parliament on the ever decreasing incidents of crime, across all categories in the Northern Territory, which have been achieved by the CLP strategies and policies that have been put in place.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016