Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-02-24

Can the Minister for Industries and Business advise the House of the recent initiatives by the Northern Territory government to raise the profile of the Northern Territory with the international film industry?


Mr Speaker, members would be aware …

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr BALDWIN: …that this is more good news for Territorians. The member for Wanguri might not want to hear it, but members would be aware that the Northern Territory government has a policy of encouraging development in the film industry and, to that end, we are working …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: ... on the development and completion of a master plan for the industry in the Northern Territory, which will provide a comprehensive profile of the film industry, not only in Australia, but overseas, including their needs and aspirations, and it will also include recommendations for future directions and developments.

It is interesting to note, just so you can get an idea of the size of this industry, that a survey in Australia by the Australian Film Commission late last year, shows that $551m-worth of foreign and Australian films were produced in Australia. In the 1997-98 year, that included 41 local and foreign feature films worth $246m. We are talking about a big industry here, and certainly locations in the Northern Territory have hosted some of those shoots for those feature films over a number of years. This government is certainly determined to make sure that we capture more of that market. In fact, the Northern Territory is now a member of AusFilm. AusFilm is an association of private-sector companies, as well as state and territory governments. It, along with the federal government through AusTrade, is promoting the film industry in Australia and what can be offered to overseas markets.

Just last week, there was a locations expo in Los Angeles, which AusFilm was at and where they represented us. My department, at that expo of locations, developed a brochure which we are using as a marketing tool It is a fantastic brochure showing producers and film-makers and other companies the sorts of locations and the sorts of panoramic views that can be obtained here in the Northern Territory. It will be a great tool for capturing more of that market.

It is clearly early days for us, but we have a lot to offer and through this great work by my department and the industry in general we can look forward to capturing a lot more of the very huge market that is now looking towards Australia as a new location to develop their films. To go with this we have a video that shows, through the NT Tourist Commission footage, the sorts of locations that can be found here in the Northern Territory. It’s great news that the Northern Territory is out there in the world market doing everything it can to provide more jobs for the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016