Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-04-28

Many Territorians were bemused by the Chief Minister’s attempt yesterday to chastise me for wanting the prices inquiry to lead to action that actually reduces Territory prices. Will the Chief Minister tell Territorians why he is spending taxpayers’ money on this exercise if it’s not intended to make a difference to the prices we pay?


Mr Speaker, the object of the inquiry is to inform Territorians and to give them the facts rather than some of the misleading comments that are being bandied about.

Quite unlike the Leader of the Opposition - who is, quite mischievously in my opinion, trying to take ownership of an inquiry of which she had no part in terms of it being set up, and trying to suggest to Territorians that not only will she somehow deliver lower prices in the Northern Territory, but also to suggest to Territorians that somehow by some sentinel approach to a basket of food she will inform Territorians about where prices are going in the Northern Territory.

My point yesterday was this: Any responsible leader would not go about their business in that fashion. It is cheap and easy politics for cheap politicians.

Members interjecting.

Mr BURKE: If one wants to talk about a sense of integrity to Territorians, start doing it up front and be honest with them. Because, sadly, many Territorians don’t know, but you know and that’s the bad part, you know that you can’t demonstrate through a select basket of goods unless you have gone through a rigorous effort in trying to ascertain how you are comparing that basket. I made the point yesterday. Tell me the jurisdiction you’ll compare it to?

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr BURKE: Just answer that simple question.

Ms Martin: It shouldn’t make a difference.

Mr BURKE: What jurisdiction will she compare her basket of goods with? Just a simple question. Are you going to compare it with Sydney, or Melbourne, or Brisbane, or Townsville, or Cairns?

Ms Martin: Isn’t that for the committee to do?

Mr BURKE: Because that’s what the Leader of the Opposition - I will lay money to Territorians that when she trots out her basket of goods, she will make price comparisons with Sydney or Melbourne or Adelaide, or if she picks a regional centre she will pick something like Maryborough or Townsville or Cairns. My point is this, the circumstances in the Northern Territory are unique in terms of the difficulties we have in transportation and in terms of the difficulties we have in getting fresh food produce into the Northern Territory. That provides its own cost ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr BURKE: ...that produces its own cost differential.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: The purpose of this inquiry is to establish what are the prices in the Northern Territory and whether those prices are fair and reasonable considering the imposts that are put on distributors, wholesalers and retailers. I believe Territorians are interested in that answer, and they’ll be far more interested in getting to the facts. It may be that part of the inquiry reveals that there are rip-offs happening in certain areas. I hope it does. But the object of the exercise is to get the facts out to Territorians and, in that regard, I believe it’s an extremely valuable inquiry.

But, to suggest through some glossy brochure - not logoed I might add - to suggest any ALP involvement, this is the lead lemming leading the pack - to suggest to Territorians that somehow Clare Majella Martin is going to lower prices in the Northern Territory, is cheap politics coming from a cheap politician.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016