Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1999-08-18

With the GST coming on line in the near future, what action has been taken to assist Territory businesses in the implementation of the changes to the tax system?


Mr Speaker,it is my pleasure to inform Territorians that, with only 10 months to go to the full implementation on 1 July next year of the federal tax package, my department has been very busy in starting to conduct a range of educational awareness strategies to assist businesses in the Northern Territory to manage the changes coming with the new tax regime. Already the department has produced a 2-page ‘fast facts’ information sheet outlining the GST and what it means for businesses. It also offers telephone and Internet contact details of organisations which will provide detailed and specialist GST advice.

The Department of Industries and Business is also working in close partnership with the Australian Taxation Office to deliver a series of 12 industry specific GST information forums. They will be held in Darwin, Alice Springs and other centres during October. Those sessions will be part of a nationwide information and awareness program to explain the GST impacts on key industry sectors.

In conjunction with key industry groups and government agencies, it is proposed to host other awareness workshops for local businesses by targeting specific industry sectors throughout the Territory over the next few months.

Officers from my department are also liaising very closely with organisations such as the Institute of Chartered Accountants, the Australian Society of Certified Practicing Accounts, the Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission and the Australian Taxation Office to set up an advisory group in order to assist in disseminating information to the business community.

Additional to that, the Northern Territory Office of Consumer Affairs, which comes under my department, will be working closely with the ACCC to ensure that there is fair implementation of the reduced wholesale sales tax system to Territorians that came into force on 22 July this year . Consumer Affairs are certainly aware that consumers may have some concerns with regard to such things as lay-bys and refunds and how the reduced wholesale sales tax and GST will affect them.

Overall, my department is developing a comprehensive range of responses to what will be a fairly significant issue facing businesses and consumers as we enter the next century. It is an exciting new era of tax reform in Australia. My department will do everything to assist in its implementation.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016