Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1998-08-19

Given the high incidence of hearing disability in central Australia, what assistance is being given to hearing-impaired people in courtrooms in Alice Springs?


Madam Speaker, I understand that some considerable initiatives have been implemented to assist people who are hearing-impaired. Those initiatives have now been implemented in Alice Springs. I am delighted that that has occurred. We have people in our community who are disadvantaged by reason of sight or by reason of their hearing. It is especially important, in forums such as courtrooms, that people have the capacity to hear what is occurring. I am particularly pleased to see that this initiative has been implemented in Alice Springs, in the way that it has been implemented in Darwin. It is another good initiative of the CLP government and I know that it has been applauded by the Hearing Impaired Association.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016