Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-04-21

Mr Speaker, I seek leave to table a letter from AMA president Dr David Meadows.

Leave granted.

Ms MARTIN: Dr Meadows condemns the practice whereby a Royal Darwin Hospital public patient who was diagnosed as needing a vital test by a doctor in casualty was forced to leave the hospital to seek a referral from him, Dr Meadows, as a private doctor. Dr Meadows condemns the arrangements that the Country Liberal Party has orchestrated, which are contrary to patients’ interests and leave doctors liable for huge fines. Minister, how can you justify this practice?


Mr Speaker, I am not aware of the case. I will read the letter when I get it. I’ll be very surprised if Dr Meadows is, as quoted, condemning the Country Liberal Party government over some particular practice to do with some particular patient. Royal Darwin Hospital provides an excellent service. Likewise, some of the GPs in town provide an excellent service. There is a referral pattern ...

Mr Bailey: Some of them do?

Mr DUNHAM: Yes, I’m not saying all of them - some of them.

There is a referral pattern between GPs and Royal Darwin Hospital. There could be some argument that some of the people who have been referred by GPs are inappropriate referrals to Royal Darwin. Likewise, there could be some complaint by GPs that patients should be hospitalised and not seen by them. These are matters of medical ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr DUNHAM: I am happy to pursue this on an individual basis. I will not be standing up in this House and talking about individual patients, but I’m happy to get back to both Dr Meadows, who hasn’t contacted me on this issue, and yourself.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016