Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-10-12

The only way local government could get the Chief Minister and his Minister for Planning to listen on the issue of planning was to spend tens of thousands of dollars of ratepayers’ money on an effective advertising campaign. The Minister for Planning roundly criticised local government over the campaign. Why is an expensive advertising campaign the only way to make the poll-driven Country Liberals listen to the community?


Mr Speaker, one could surmise that the Lord Mayor of Darwin is an able and competent politician and has used this episode to promote the interests of his own council. He has done that extremely effectively. I simply reiterate the point that it is a very shallow effort by the Leader of the Opposition to stand on that side of the House and read out a prepared question as her contribution to the debate. The Lord Mayor of Darwin has used his own strategies and his own money. That is his decision.

Ms Martin: What do you suggest -that I use my own money too?

Mr BURKE: Well, you’re irrelevant. I can only say that the concerns that have been expressed not only by Darwin City Council through their campaign but also by LGANT …

Mr Ah Kit: It comes backs to votes, Denis.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The members opposite will have an opportunity during a debate later today to raise these issues if they wish. Please hear the Chief Minister in reasonable silence.

Mr BURKE: Also the concerns expressed by LGANT, the submission from the Coomalie Community Government Council, the various shire councils …

A member: Including Palmerston.

Mr BURKE: Palmerston made a submission. That was about representation, I believe. Greening Australia was another. There were various submissions - 65 in all – but many were form letters, I might add. Those considerations have all been taken into account. That was the purpose of the consultation. What you’re seeing is a responsive and consultative government responding in the way we intended, getting the submissions, hearing the concerns and responding.

Unfortunately for the Lord Mayor of Darwin and the Mayor of Alice Springs and others, Her Majesty’s loyal opposition has been silent through this whole issue. The highly-paid Leader of the Opposition receives only 30 grand less than I earn, and all she can do is read out a question prepared the day before. George Brown at least can put his money where his mouth is. He had enough discussions, and the amendments that he has proposed have been attended to by government.

The Planning Bill, as revised, will be introduced into parliament. There are some who will never be pleased. Too bad! The government is decisive, the government is accommodating, and the government will move on and introduce this legislation. As the Lord Mayor of Darwin said - I don’t know his exact words – he believes he has a government that listens, a government that is responsive and a government he can work with, which will get on and introduce legislation so that we do have a good revised Planning Act for the Northern Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016