Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1998-12-03

Madam Speaker,I seek leave to table a copy of a memorandum showing how the Country Liberal Party devises its Aboriginal affairs policy.

Leave granted.

Mr STIRLING: This confidential memo outlines the campaign plans agreed to by the Chief Minister’s current senior political advisor, Paul Cowdy, and others. The second page shows that the prime responsibility to complete the task of developing an Aboriginal strategy was allocated to the CLP’s advertising agency, DDB Needham. Will the minister admit that this shows how the Country Liberal Party uses Aboriginal issues as a cynical electoral weapon? Will he tell Paul Cowdy and the Chief Minister that an advertising agency will not be writing the next Country Liberal Party policy on Aboriginal affairs?


Madam Speaker, here we go again. This document is from 1990. I have to cast my mind back a fair way, because it was 8 years ago. I think I was farming in Batchelor at the time. This is just outrageous. The member comes in here tossing documents around and asking me to comment on them. I was driving a tractor at the time!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016