Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2001-06-05

The 2001-02 budget runs the Territory coffers bare and increases Territory debt by $400m over two years. This year you plan to sell off NT Fleet to help stem the debt haemorrhage. Budget Paper No. 3 flags moving the Power and Water Authority off budget this year. I refer you to the Cabinet Submission in 1997 which stated that the privatisation of the Power and Water Authority would generate savings and the issue would be revisited at a future time when competition became a reality and the outcome of the proposed improvement program becomes clear. Moving the Power and Water Authority off budget is the final step towards the privatisation of Power and Water Authority as you scrap to find the funds to meet your ever escalating levels of debt, isn’t it?


Mr Speaker, I can answer this question very quickly. The government is not intending to sell off the Power and Water Authority. It has been said in this House on a number of occasions. That does not necessarily mean that in a business environment which PAWA currently finds itself in that we should not replicate the financial monitoring systems of our competitors. That is to have a more business-like approach to how we account for our assets, how we order stores, our IT systems. We also have an added imperative and it is the Utilities Commission which I am sure the honourable member knows nothing about, though it was debated in this House. There is a necessity for the Power and Water Authority to ring fence certain of its business enterprises so that the allegation that we are cross-subsidising generation out of another area cannot be made. So it is necessary, our books are open and transparent, and I am surprised that the opposition finds this a difficulty and it is really important that our books also replicate in their …

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Nhulunbuy.

Mr DUNHAM: It is also important how we structure our financial reporting arrangements to replicate those of our competitors in this field. I cannot see why the shadow member for essential services would be creating such mischief other than to see this as the same cynical exercise as kicking off a rumour and asking us to put the rumour to bed. If the rumour he is attempting to spread is that we are preparing to sell the Power and Water Authority, the answer is no.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016