Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 1999-04-22

I seek leave to table a videotape of 2 focus groups conducted by Mark Textor.

Leave granted.

Mr STIRLING: The video has been modified to protect the identity of the participants and contains extracts from the focus groups. I ask the attendant to provide a copy of that video to the Chief Minister. The fact that this video exists illustrates the dishonesty of Textor. In the early part of the video, a participant asks Textor why he is videotaping the focus group. Textor says that he only tapes the sessions so he can take notes from them. He dishonestly says that the videotape is not kept and all tapes are recorded over. As we can now see, Mark Textor lied! Mark Textor lied!

Does the Chief Minister endorse Mark Textor being paid $740 a day by Territory taxpayers to lie to Territorians?

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The question ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Nhulunbuy. The Chief Minister has been asked a question, and I expect him to be heard in reasonable silence.


Mr Speaker, that was a great question from the opposition, because not only did they ask the question, but they also provided the answer, which is self-evident. And the answer is that the tape was kept by Mr Andrew Coward - your witness. Any impropriety - the tape was kept by Mr Andrew Coward, the member for Nhulunbuy’s star witness. If you want to talk about impropriety and theft of property, go back to your star witness and ask him why he kept the tape.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016