Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1997-11-27

On 27 October, the Deputy Chief Minister wrote to the member for Nhulunbuy. I seek leave to table that letter.

Leave granted.

Mr BAILEY: In this letter, the Deputy Chief Minister stated:

At this stage, it is too early to make any accurate interpretation of the effects of mandatory sentencing on reported crime.
Further, an informed analysis of property offences statistics is likely to be available around the middle of next year.

Yesterday in this House, the Chief Minister said that crime statistics showed that mandatory imprisonment is working. Which one is telling the truth?


Madam Speaker, indications are that mandatory sentencing is working. However, in terms of briefings on this issue sought by the member for Nhulunbuy and the member for Stuart, and bearing in mind the way they misuse information, I think it is appropriate that those briefings be given to them when we have had the opportunity to produce clear and concise comparative statistics. It is appropriate that both members be given a briefing at which we can give them something that they can compare for themselves with the previous statistical period.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016