Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-06-07

My question is directed to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Development . The standard contract that is used between your construction agency and private construction firms such as Di Mella very clearly states that security moneys are a compulsory part of the awarding of any contract. I refer the minister to clause 5 of the standard contract and I seek leave to table the relevant section of that contract.

Leave granted.

Ms MARTIN: Failure to lodge that security money either in cash or a bank guarantee is deemed to be a breach of the contract. I ask the minister how much was the security money in the case of Di Mella building those units in Palmerston and if none, why not?


Well obviously for that sort of detail, Mr Speaker, I would have to take it on notice. I don’t walk around with it in my head.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016