Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 1999-08-17

My question relates to the Alice Springs Hospital redevelopment project and the long-awaited private hospital facilities for the town. Some 10 or 15 years ago, I had the opportunity to speak to Peter Sitzler of Sitzler Bros construction about that, and since that time the town has been waiting. Earlier this year, Cabinet decided against the option of private management of the public hospital system. It was also announced during the budget session that construction would recommence once options were assessed regarding private facilities …

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Is the member getting on with the question?

Members interjecting.

Dr LIM: I will, Mr Speaker. My question is - if members opposite would just shut up they might hear it - can the minister provide any information as to the current status?


Mr Speaker,I acknowledge from the outset the vigorous lobbying efforts of the Centralian members of the CLP, particularly Dr Richard Lim. This has been a matter to the forefront of their platform in Alice Springs for some time. I am disappointed by the mirth from the other side, because this is an issue that is important to people in central Australia, and something they have sought for some time.

I am confident that the private hospital facility will be operational in central Australia by mid-2001. The government is investigating the establishment of a purpose-built private facility in Alice Springs. In doing that we have sought interest from three companies: Mayne Nickless Ltd’s Health Care Australia; CHA Pty Ltd, the Sisters of Charity health service; and Ramsay Health Care Ltd.

These companies were at the forefront of bidding during the expressions-of-interest process that was undertaken in January this year. They expressed a very serious interest in participating in health in Alice Springs. They were able to demonstrate their bona fides in the national sphere and their capacity to run health services in central Australia. We have been impressed that they have continued their interest, notwithstanding the government’s decision not to proceed with the proposal to privatise the management of all our hospitals in the Territory.

These organisations yesterday received a document which describes how they may propose expressions of interest for a private wing in central Australia at the Alice Springs Hospital. They will be contacted during this week to gauge their initial reaction. In six weeks or so, I hope to take to Cabinet the bids from these companies so that we are able to make an assessment as to their relative merits.

We hope to progress quickly because each of these companies is familiar with Alice Springs Hospital. Each of them undertook extensive investigations earlier when we went through the expressions-of-interest process. I hope the $14.8m which is still on track to redevelop the hospital in Alice Springs could be somehow articulated into the bid that comes from whichever is the successful company. I hope we can move towards the end of this calendar year or early next calendar year to have construction under way. That construction, it is my confident hope, will include private facilities for the people of Alice Springs who have for some time now been seeking choice in their access to health services and have for some time been looking for an expansion and enhancement of the health services in Alice Springs. I am confident that this process will bring that to fruition.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016