Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-11-23

Can he advise the House of the level of community consultation undertaken over the proposed changes to the Planning Act?


Mr Speaker, planning is a very important issue that this government takes very seriously. It’s an important component of any economy, but particularly an economy that is as strong as the Northern Territory’s. It’s also an important component in the development of our built form in the Northern Territory and how this impacts on our lifestyle in particular. The Territory government is committed to providing an adequate balance between the development of the Territory and the aspirations of the community.

The bill that is before the House is the third major piece of planning legislation since we achieved self-government 21 years ago. We do aim to keep this legislation contemporary. Last November, my predecessor outlined the principles that would apply in the new Planning Act, and those principles were translated in what is before the House today.

There has been a long process of consultation. Both myself and my department have been involved in community forums and extensive briefings the length and breadth of the Territory, including local government in all major centres and community groups and individuals who have contacted my office. There has been a whole range of explanatory literature produced in a variety of forms and widely distributed.

Quite a few submissions and comments were received as a result of this extensive consultation. They were assessed, as I’ve outlined, prior to the introduction of the bill. One of the pieces of literature that was put out for the public is on that very fact - the amendments that were made prior to the introduction. I table that for members’ benefit.

There were 50-odd submissions prior to the introduction. Since the introduction there have been another 16 submissions with regard to the introduced bill. They have been on a range of issues and some, it is worth noting, have put forward conflicting views. One can’t always take on every comment, but there will be further changes made in the passage of the bill before the House this week. They will be highlighted throughout that passage.

This is good, contemporary legislation that will serve Territorians well. There is certainly a balance needed between the interests of the community and the developing nature of the Northern Territory. I suggest that the bill that we are about to debate this week will provide that very worthwhile balance.

Mr Reed: How many submissions did the Labor Party put in? None.

Mr BALDWIN: I will pick up on that interjection. It is worth noting the input from the Labor opposition - in fact, the lack of it. Prior to the introduction of the bill, the Leader of the Opposition sat on the sidelines while George Brown ran a very good campaign. The opposition at the last minute swung in with a deliberate view that reflected the George Brown campaign. Similarly, in the period since the introduction of the bill to now, we heard nothing from the Leader of the Opposition until 9.30 last night, on the eve of the sittings. She puts forward a meagre 6 pages on a substantial bill that impacts on everybody’s life.

The Leader of the Opposition knows the process of debate in this House and how things pass through the legislative process. She is either lazy or incompetent to not have further input, and timely input. I received 15 submissions in the period since the introduction of that bill; 15 submissions that were taken on board and given every consideration. I have met with local government again, I have met with community groups, I have met with interest groups and individuals and had time to discuss their issues. Now at the eleventh hour, I get this measly 6-page submission.

Mr Reed: No amendment schedule with it or anything?

Mr BALDWIN: No amendment schedule that might add to the bill. In fact, the letter says: ‘We will oppose the bill’. There is no schedule of amendments that might have some considered input. I am sure the leader will come up with her usual grab bag of one-liners as to why she won’t be supporting this bill. That’s all she is - a one-liner leader.

I look forward to demonstrating that the government has been listening to the community, has responded to the wishes and the views of the community and will provide a balanced, positive, new Planning Act for the Northern Territory that will be of great benefit to all Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016