Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr DUNHAM - 1998-02-19

We have heard already in this House how the people of Katherine are going about rebuilding their lives and their town following the devastating flood. It is imperative that the town's lifeblood businesses also be assisted so that the town can return to normalcy. Can the minister please inform us of the level of support provided under the Katherine District Business Re-establishment Fund to date?


Madam Speaker, I am very pleased to be able to talk about something productive, and that is the work being done by people in Katherine to get the town back into mainstream business. The much-needed financial assistance that is required is flowing into the Katherine business and pastoral communities via the re-establishment fund. This is the $10m pool that draws equally from the Territory, the Commonwealth and corporate Australia. In just one week, officers of the Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry have approved and processed claims to a total value of $4m. As of 10 am today, $3m had been received by businesses and a further $1m is likely to be paid by close of business on Friday. That represents a vital injection of funds into the community.

Mr Ah Kit: Go back and watch your videos.

Mr MANZIE: The member for Arnhem is not interested in this. Members opposite are interested in processes that cause the Territory economy to grind to a halt. They are interested in anything that will cause hardship for people because they think it may give them some electoral advantage. The member for Arnhem at least could be quiet while other Territorians hear what the people of Katherine are doing, what people who have had their livelihoods destroyed are doing, about bringing their lives back on line, and what other people, who are there with their sleeves rolled up, are doing to assist them.

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: Does the member for Arnhem support them? No. He interjects so that the community and people here in the gallery cannot hear and he cannot hear about the productive things that are happening. I think it is disgraceful, but it is indicative of the attitude of the Labor Party in the Territory. The Territory branch of the ALP is a shameful group, and it needs to be reminded of that constantly.

Madam SPEAKER: Before you continue, minister, I ask the member for Arnhem please to allow the minister to continue his answer without interjections. I have said that twice to you today.

Mr MANZIE: Thank you, Madam Speaker. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, this vital injection of funds into the community is welcome. Businesses are responding very positively. We have seen an amazing recovery already, with Katherine going from a position of having only 8 businesses operating the day after the floodwaters peaked to around 170 businesses operating today. What a great example that is of people rolling up their sleeves and getting stuck in! The major job of getting funds out to the people in need is being carried out by 8 committed officers under the leadership of Mr David Hunt, an assistant secretary in my department. Those 8 officers deserve to be congratulated. In addition to their work, very good support has been given by the Northern Territory Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the banking sector. However, the real heroes are the business people themselves. The assistance that has been provided has enabled them to take up the challenge to get going again and to contribute to the wealth of the town and the growth of the town.

When we look at what has occurred in the last few weeks, through the Territory being involved in organising all this support, and compare that with what happened when the Commonwealth operated in Darwin after Cyclone Tracy, there is no comparison. It took 12 months to get things going after Cyclone Tracy. In Katherine, within weeks, Territorians have been able to turn the situation around and get money, relief and assistance to those people in need. In turn, they have responded accordingly. I feel very proud of what those people are doing.

Members: Hear, hear!

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016