Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 1999-08-18

71% of voters in the Wanguri by-election voted for candidates who support the introduction of comprehensive freedom of information laws. When will the Chief Minister listen to the voters and introduce genuine freedom of information legislation?


Mr Speaker, the import of that question is that 71% of voters didn’t vote for Mr Henderson, but they voted for freedom for information legislation. I imagine, therefore, that if I find a candidate and change his name to Freedom F. Information we’ll win the electorate of Wanguri.

I’ve explained to the Assembly that we are introducing …

Mr Ah Kit: Pure arrogance.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: Well, make up your mind.

I’ve explained to the Assembly in the past the attitude of this government. We intend introducing legislation into this House for freedom of information in its real sense.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr BURKE: Before you criticise, wait until I’ve asked the opposition to …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: I will ask the opposition and Territorians to see what the drafting of the legislation encompasses. I am certainly interested in drawing, from all legislation in place around Australia, differing examples of freedom of information provisions. I understand that the Blair government in the United Kingdom has introduced legislation that may have some relevance. Certainly, when we introduce our access to information legislation or whatever it is called, it will draw on the experience of other jurisdictions.

We intend to put in place legislation that attends to the requirements of Territorians - that is, primarily to be able to access information on themselves, to be aware of how that information is being disseminated, to be able to ensure that that information is accurate, and to have mechanisms to ensure that they can change that information to ensure it is accurate. That will be the primary thrust of the legislation. I am sure that, at the end of day, Territorians will be comfortable with that as an appropriate approach.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016