Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1998-10-14

Last year, the outstanding educational institution of the Northern Territory University was forced to reduce courses and cut staff, due to Howard government cuts. Can the minister allay fears that the NTU is preparing another horror budget, due to reducing student numbers and shrinking funds under the Howard government’s provisions. Can the minister rule out the possibility that the NTU departments will be amalgamated and that there again will be further staff cuts? What is the minister doing to defend the NTU from the Howard government onslaught?


Madam Speaker, as I have said earlier to the opposition, I do congratulate them for rediscovering education. What they have done this morning is to double, in one session, the number of questions they have asked me as Education Minister in all the time I have been a minister. I think it is a reflection, probably as much on the member for Stuart and his lack of responsibility in doing his particular job...

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Madam Speaker! This is the way the minister has answered today. He has spent most of the time attacking the opposition. This is a very important question about the future of the NTU and we want it answered.

Madam SPEAKER: I am sure opposition members are aware that the nature of the reply is at the discretion of the minister. I do urge the minister to answer the question.

Mr ADAMSON: Thank you Madam Speaker. The situation in terms of the Northern Territory University is that it is funded per demand, and can I give one particular example. If we found an extra 1000 students, the Northern Territory University would be funded for an extra 1000 students. If we found one student, and let us pick a student out of the air - the member for Stuart, who is currently studying through La Trobe University. If the member for Stuart decided to swap across tomorrow to the Northern Territory University he would be funded, the university would be funded for that extra place, because that is how funding works. I will do a bit of a deal. We will keep working on it if you will too, if you want to swap and do your little bit. You can do it today, you could enrol today and the funding for your position at Northern Territory University would be guaranteed because that is they way it works.

In terms of funding federally, we have had to battle with federal governments over the this matter since the university was set up. We have battled all the way and we can continue to have discussions on this but in terms of cuts, there are no further cuts being debated or speculated about whatsoever. We had the scenario and we had the election in fact, where we had the federal opposition spokesperson say there would be funding for all these extra placings. The fact is, if the people walked through the door, the scenario and mechanism were already in place for that funding to take place.

So again, to the member for Stuart I say - and I do notice that in your latest biography you are not even game to say where you are studying for that particular qualification - you do about all your previous studies, but you are not game to say that your PhD is being undertaken through La Trobe. You are happy to say where you received all your previous qualifications and I congratulate you for that, but the one thing that we as Territorians can do to boost those numbers is to support the university. In our midst there is one person who looked at those particular options and has turned his back on that option.

I speak on a regular basis with Vice Chancellor. As I said, I discussed scenarios again with Minister Alston as recently as last week. We will continue to paint the picture as to what that situation is here in the Northern Territory, but all I can say is the member for Stuart is condemned for his action in not supporting the Northern Territory University. I think it is unfortunate that if the member for Stuart is really serious about ...

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr ADAMSON: In fact I do stand up for the university but I would like to see the member for the other side do exactly the same.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr ADAMSON: The member for Stuart could change the situation tomorrow and have a lot more credibility in this debate I think, because he champions the cause.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016