Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-04-21

Members would be aware of the economic impact that major sporting events have on the Northern Territory. We have just had a report on the Shell touring car races. Of course, one of the major events that’s been going for a number of years is the Honda Masters Games in Alice Springs, which were held last year. Could the minister advise the House of what economic impact last year’s games had on the Alice Springs community?


Mr Speaker, I thank the honourable member for his question. Honourable members will recall that we have praised the running of last year’s games. We flagged the potential return to the economy of Alice Springs and put forward some estimations. At the time, the department commissioned consultants to conduct a study of exactly how many dollars were injected into the Alice Springs economy. I can inform honourable members that it has been estimated that $6.8m was injected into the economy - almost $1m a day. That was money from visiting participants, as opposed to locals who might have spent some extra money. We estimate that about 32% of the $6.8m was spent on accommodation, 32% on food and beverages, 15% on transport within Alice Springs and 11% on souvenirs, with the rest made up in sundry miscellaneous items.

The money, as I said, does not include extra money spent by locals in the economy. That was estimated to be quite substantial as well. Along with visitor spending, local expenditure was stimulated by what we expect was about an extra 1000 locals. This was particularly pleasing considering the fact that we are facing increasing competition from masters games around Australia and internationally, for that matter. There is a masters games held virtually hot on the heels of the Alice Springs Honda Masters, on the Gold Coast. It’s another case where jurisdictions and centres around the country are picking up on the success story that the Alice Springs Honda Masters’ Games has become.

Despite the increased competition from these games on the Gold Coast and elsewhere, we have been able to hold our own as the original and still the most successful of masters games. That is a credit to all the people, particularly in the Alice, who are involved in any way with the games - the many volunteers, the people who put in so much time and effort not only during the games but in the 2 years between games, with all the preparation that must be carried out.

Once again, I place on the record the appreciation of members on this side of the House for the tremendous job that was done last year. I think $6.8m is a deserved boost to the central Australian economy and a reward for the tremendous efforts of this government and the people of Alice Springs.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016