Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms CARTER - 2001-06-07

One of the Foundations for Our Future objectives is to preserve and enhance the lives of Territorians. Could the minister detail how the Northern Territory government is fulfilling this role?

Ms Martin: Bring on a ministerial statement!


Mr Speaker, obviously the Leader of the Opposition does not want to hear the answer to what I thought was a very important question. A remarkable situation but, as we have seen so often, the Leader of the Opposition has worked against such commitment from this government, which I think is a damning indictment on the position of the opposition.

The fact of the matter is that come the Dry season, Territorians, particularly here in the Top End, take part in a number of events both of cultural and ethnic nature. We have had mention of a couple this morning and of course one of the very high profile events this weekend is the Greek Glenti. That, along with a number of other major cultural and ethnic events this particular weekend, really kick-off the next couple of months of festivals and celebrations of the diversity of culture that we share here in the Northern Territory.

It is a diversity that this government is trying to encourage, regardless of the comments of the opposition. It is a diversity and sharing of a culture that we will continue to promote on this side regardless of what comments are made by those on the other side of this particular Chamber. This government will continue to work with community groups, both artistic and of an ethnic basis, to put forward opportunities to share in culture throughout the Northern Territory. This weekend alone, as I said, we have the Greek Glenti. It is also the Portuguese National Day celebrations and the Filipino Australian Association, and other Filipino groups, are holding their Independence Day celebrations. There are a number of other high profile events that will be taking place over the next couple of weeks.

Mr Henderson: The Barunga Festival

Mrs Hickey: And the Walla-Walla festival.

Dr Toyne: And the Finke Desert Race.

Mr ADAMSON: We are about to get into that. But as I see the other festivals that we are about to get into, the opposition do not wish to hear about it. That is fine because they are on the record in fact opposing some of these particular festivals. This government reaffirms that today again, and regardless of what the opposition may say about these festivals ...

Members interjecting.

Mr ADAMSON: There they go interjecting! It is quite extraordinary! But regardless of their position, we will continue to support all these particular events of a sporting nature, of an ethnic nature, of a cultural nature, and if that means the festivals miss out from members on the other side, as they have indicated themselves this morning, then I think that says a lot about the commitment of this government, but also a heck of a lot about where the opposition is trying to play a supporting role.

This government is facilitating much of that. We saw last weekend the wonderful festivities down at the Daly. A great contribution by the locals down there, helped enormously by the contribution of this government and the local member, the member for Victoria River, and other government agencies. Again those types of things would not have happened without the commitment of this government and the commitment of the people on the ground that organise those events. I think that the opposition stands condemned in objecting and interjecting to those sorts of things.

This government wishes all the Territorians ...

Members interjecting.

Mr ADAMSON: And again they are ridiculing the situation. This government wishes all Territorians involved in any of these events, in the weeks and months ahead, all the best. They are assured of our backing, regardless of the interjections of the opposition, and we say to those Territorians, ‘Well done for your efforts in organising these events. The Territory government is backing you’. We will continue with that as is our track record. We will not knock, we will be ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr ADAMSON: It is quite remarkable. In closing can I simply say that I think the behaviour of the opposition has proved the point. This is a positive, proactive government. The other side continues to knock and knock, and with an opportunity presented to both sides this morning to wish Territorians all the best over the coming months, the opposition has chosen to be negative and to knock that. That is a damning indictment on them.

To those Territorians, on behalf of people on this side, this proactive CLP government, we say good luck and well done.

Mr PALMER: Mr Speaker, I would ask that further questions be placed on the question paper.

Mrs BRAHAM: A point of order, Mr Speaker! I have jumped first on a number of occasions and you have not acknowledged me. I believe I am entitled to a question.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. Will the member for Braitling resume her seat.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016