Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HATTON - 1999-10-21

The Leader of the Opposition said on television last night that the Chief Minister told people in Canberra that he would sort out the impasse on the Territory’s native title legislation. Why is it that you now have to sort out legislation passed in this House for Territorians? Can you also tell Territorians what are the ideological blinkers the opposition leader claimed you are wearing?


Mr Speaker, to take the second question first, the ideological blinkers that I have are simply that Territorians don’t have an open chequebook. My ideology is that I will not open the chequebook. The member for Arnhem says get the chequebook out and write cheques willy-nilly for taxpayers’ money to settle native title claims that haven’t had the slightest chance of interrogation.

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order, member for Arnhem!

Mr BURKE: That is not the way this government will operate. Certainly, that sort of ideology is not the ideology that will be supported by this side of the House.

Yesterday, I gave the Leader of the Opposition ample opportunity to explain in detail to this House why they remain opposed to our native title scheme in the Northern Territory. I remain at a loss to understand why the Labor opposition can vote for our legislation on one day and then lobby their federal colleagues, and continue to support their federal colleagues, in overturning this legislation.

The simple fact of the matter is that there are 8 outstanding points that we are being asked by the land councils to change in our own legislation. I explained what each of those points was. I asked her to reply as to whether or not she supported the land councils’ position on those issues.

All we got in this Chamber yesterday was a heap of personal abuse piled on me. I can take that. It didn’t matter – it had nothing to do with the issues. I ask the Opposition Leader to get back to the simple question, do you in any way, shape or form support this legislation at all? Or do you want the whole of the legislation thrown out? Do you want Territorians to revert to the Native Title Act? If that is the case, it then begs the question, why did you support our legislation in this House? Someone is being deceptive. And if you support it ...

Ms Martin: Very sad! I will say some prayers for you on Sunday at mass.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: Mr Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition just said across the Chamber that on Sunday at mass she will say some prayers for me. I thank her for that because leadership in the Northern Territory as Chief Minister is a humbling and privileged experience, and certainly the prayers of all constituents are something that I welcome. But look to your own soul also - that’s my advice.

The issue was very simple. I believe it was a responsible action by the government to put the legislation with the outstanding issues on the table and ask the opposition where they see objection to those amendments or support for those amendments which the land councils insist on. But the opposition leader engaged in a tirade of abuse and refused entirely to address any of those 8 issues.

Do the Leader of the Opposition and the ALP want the whole of the Territory legislation disbanded? Do you want the Territory parliament to revert entirely to the Native Title Act? Do you want us, as the member for Arnhem says, to pull out the chequebook? That’s how you fix things. If the Leader of the Opposition says she will fix it she must be clear to Territorians about her method. You pull out the chequebook and write away the money. You end up simply being extorted and you send the place broke.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016