Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-06-16

My first question of the day to the Chief Minister did not receive a full answer because the Chief Minister maintained that too much noise was coming from the opposition. I guarantee to the Chief Minister that there will be no interjection from opposition members if he will answer this question. Will the Chief Minister guarantee that the Country Liberal Party will put One Nation last on its how-to-vote cards for the next election?


Madam Speaker, this is a demonstration that the opposition has run out of questions. They really are the most hapless lot ...

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Mr STONE: There she goes. She said she would not interject. She took the bait again. She would make a great mother-in-law.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister is on his feet. Please allow him to answer the question.

Mr STONE: Madam Speaker, whether or not One Nation even runs a candidate at the next election is still a matter of speculation. I alone do not have the say on where preferences go. I do have a vote, however, and I tell the House that I feel very strongly about this, as Territorians know. People know where I am coming from. We too have a democratic party, and our membership determines these sorts of issues, as does that of members opposite. Make no mistake about my views on One Nation. It is anti-Asian, anti-trade, anti-immigration and anti-foreign investment. Let me make it very clear that the Territory is built on all of those things. Territorians should remember that at least 1 in every 2 Australians has come from somewhere else, or one or both of their parents did. This country has been built on immigration. In the Territory, the percentage is greater. We are proud of our cultural diversity in the Northern Territory. I do not believe that Territorians will embrace One Nation because it is just another party from down south - like the Australian Labor Party.

Mr Bailey: We keep our promises though.

Mr STONE: That is what I like to see - discipline!

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr STONE: The member has lost it now. He has scattered the mob. That kelpie is among us again.

Territorians should remember this too. When the Territory was fighting to defend its legislation in the federal parliament, Pauline Hanson did not stand up for the Territory. She did not defend the Territory legislation - unlike Nick Dondas and Grant Tambling, who did defend it. One Nation has no future in the Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016