Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1999-06-03

I remind the Chief Minister of his statement made on Tuesday, and I quote:

Statehood doesn’t create jobs and development. Statehood doesn’t necessarily improve the lifestyle of Territorians.

Why has the Chief Minister taken on the role of bagging Territory statehood?


Mr Speaker, this is really petty stuff and if somehow the Labor members opposite think that they’re going to take some sort of ownership of statehood, well, you’ve got a lot of yards to make up out there before you do. And you might explain to Territorians how you ran dead on the issue when the referendum was put.

The Leader of the Opposition might want to walk out and explain to Territorians how many how to vote ‘yes’ cards that she handed out at her booth when the referendum was put.

You might ask the member for Port Darwin, the preselected candidate for Port Darwin, how many how to vote ‘no’ cards that he handed out. In terms of statehood, I’ve made my position absolutely clear. Statehood is something that I will energetically pursue as Chief Minister. This government will continue to energetically pursue ...

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: We will debate the parliamentary committee’s report as soon as possible. We will bring to this Chamber a considered government position and we will continue to re-energise the process of statehood. At the end of the day it will not be politicians, the Leader of the Opposition or the member for Wanguri who drive the process of statehood, nor the Chief Minister. It will be Territorians. Territorians will decide the pace, the speed, and Territorians will decide the outcome.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016