Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2001-07-05

The Territory, I understand, leads Australia in its support for sport and recreation groups. We have the highest participation rate of children in sport and world-class sport facilities across the NT. What support will the government provide in the new financial year?


Mr Speaker, to illustrate my answer I will just use a couple of props.

Dr Toyne: That’s about your level.

Mr LUGG: I knew you would get a kick out of this.

Mr Speaker, I use these props not in a frivolous way but to demonstrate this government’s commitment to the sportsmen and women of the Northern Territory. I will table this so you can use it a bit later, Clare - it’s a sack.

As Sports Minister, I am proud to play Santa to more than 140 organisations, sports and local governments in the Northern Territory. The reason I use these props is to illustrate this government’s commitment and it is a chosen policy commitment to give the Northern Territory the best per-capita funding in this country. As my colleague, the Minister for Arts and Museums, said yesterday support by the Northern Territory for the arts community is running at about four times the national average and so it is with sport. It is 3.5 to 4 times the national average in what we contribute to sports organisations.

This sack contains $4.5m worth of grants and they are spread between organisational development at $2.3m; travel, $549 000; local government authority, $604 000; special assistance, $46 000; and facilities, $1.03m. There is a further $650 000 to go out later this financial year. So, in total, it is around $5.2m.

I reiterate this is not an accident; it is a deliberate government policy. It is best illustrated when we have visitors come here to play sport and use the facilities that this government has provided. The first thing they say is - well, I cannot say the first thing they say - but it is quickly followed up with, ‘We don’t get this in our state. Our government doesn’t do this for us. Why can’t we come and live here?’ It sums up that the Northern Territory is about opportunity, the difference is opportunity that we provide to our sportsmen and women.

We do that willingly. It is a deliberate government policy, it does not automatically happen. Whilst you may regard these props as a little frivolous, it is a deliberate policy to give Territorians the best - the best in sports, the best in art sponsorship, the best in education and the best in opportunities which are just around the corner for oil and gas.

Dr Toyne: Save it for the election.

Mr LUGG: I am glad you butted in there, member for Stuart. You asked me a question yesterday about strong demand in Palmerston for places in the schools. I could have given them a fairly trite answer which would cure demand for schools in Palmerston by making you the principal. You could work the same trick you worked in Yuendumu where you drove attendance and enrolment down by about 40%. Now that’s not a bad opportunity for Territorians, that’s the dead hand of the member for Stuart.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016