Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 1998-08-20

Two and half years ago, recreational fishermen were promised $1.3m over 3 years for road access across pastoral leases to give Territorians entry to their favourite fishing spots. The minister told us in the June sittings of parliament that only $282 115.39 of the promised $1.3m had been spent. Anglers are waiting for action on many fronts. Why has the money not been spent?

Madam SPEAKER: Before the minister even starts his answer, I remind opposition members again that they have asked this question. Listen to the answer.


Madam Speaker, without doubt the management regime of fisheries in the Northern Territory, in relation not only to making access available to fisherpersons, but also in terms of managing the resource and ensuring the resource is there in the future for recreational fisherpersons, is second to none in Australia. It is generally recognised by the amateur fishing fraternity throughout Australia that no other government in Australia gives greater support to recreational fishing than does this government. Not only do we fund access through pastoral leases, with the agreement of the lessees ...

Ms Martin: What do you fund it with?

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Fannie Bay.

Mr PALMER: ... but we fund the construction of boat ramps and we fund the Amateur Fishermen’s Association of the Northern Territory for its executive officer, thereby enabling the association to properly represent the views and interests of recreational fishermen. We have provided access to Hardy’s Lagoon. We have provided access to ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Minister, pause for a moment. Member for Fannie Bay, cease your constant interjecting.

Ms Martin: He started it!

Madam SPEAKER: Stop talking across the Chamber. Allow the minister to answer. Be careful!

Mr PALMER: We initiated artificial reef programs in Darwin Harbour which provide some of the best recreation fishing in Australia. We are providing an inshore artificial reef next to Stokes Hill Wharf. Construction of a platform to enable anglers to take advantage of that will commence shortly.

We conducted the Fishcount survey, the most innovative and accurate gauge of amateur fishing activities ever undertaken in Australia. We continue to research barramundi. We initiated a government-funded buyback scheme through which we closed both Darwin Harbour and Shoal Bay to commercial fishing.

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Will the minister answer the question? Will he stop wasting our time and answer the question on pastoral lease access?

Madam SPEAKER: Less interjections, please, member for Fannie Bay. Minister, answer the question, please.

Mr PALMER: Members opposite do not want to know the good story about recreational fishing in the Northern Territory. They do not want to know about the numbers of visitors who come to the Territory every year with the sole intent of taking advantage of our recreational fishing facilities.

This government will continue to support recreational fishing in the Northern Territory. It will continue with its pastoral access program for recreational fishing. Nothing that these people do or say will change Territorians’ minds about the good record of this government in managing its aquatic resources. As I said, our record is second to none in the world in this area.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016