Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE (Stuart)(by leave): - 1998-04-23

Mr TOYNE (Stuart)(by leave): Madam Speaker, I am certainly not surprised that the minister is a bit cranky, given his failure to gain any credibility at all with the teaching profession.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Stuart, you asked to give an explanation regarding your current status. Stick to that point.

Mr TOYNE: The first matter is that postgraduate studies, particularly by thesis, are in highly-specialised areas which cannot always be found at each university. It is necessary to select the university that has the mix of postgraduate studies required. My thesis involves areas of philosophy, areas of anthropology and areas of sociology. La Trobe University had the particular mix that I needed to undertake that particular study. That was why I went there.

The next point is that I have not personally issued any information to the effect that I have finished those studies. If that has been wrongly presented on the ALP home page, I will take steps to have that corrected.

Mr Coulter: You might fix up the spelling of Yuendumu while you are at it.

Mr TOYNE: I will do that too. Whenever I have been asked, I have stated either that my studies are in progress or that the PhD is pending. At the moment, I am somewhere in the order of less than

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one week's work away from finishing the thesis. When I finish it, I hope the minister will be good enough to congratulate me.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016